Recruiter Feature: Leila Zamora Moreno

Recruiter FeatureHi, my name is Leila Zamora Moreno and I have been participating with Desteni since October 2007. Before I found Desteni I was into Conspiracy Theories and Spiritualism. While I was browsing through YouTube on videos in relation to these two points, I bumped into some videos of DesteniProductions. What appealed to me the most within the Desteni videos was that actual practical solutions were provided that one can apply in their daily life. Spirituality I found was rather passive so when I bumped into Desteni I felt no regrets leaving Spirituality right behind me and moving on to something that will actually bring about change in my life (and who knows, maybe the life of others).

Since then I have been actively applying the Desteni tools and have had the opportunity to see for myself how powerful they are. I became more engaged towards my own life, what I wanted, how I wanted to experience rather than being a slave to my environment – and I also got more engaged in global issues and solutions such as the Equal Money System.

After participating with Desteni for about a year I went to visit the Desteni Farm in South Africa with my sister Maite. For two months we observed how the farm and the Desteni website were managed and how all the people lived together. Three months after we had left the farm we returned and we have now been living on the Desteni Farm for about two and a half years.

I enjoy interacting with animals, I take care of a horse and have five African Grey Parrots living with me in my room. From to time to time I also tend to birds who have been injured in the wild or that have been abandoned by their parents. These points are also very much reflected in another hobby of mine which is photography.

Over the years the Desteni material has accumulated and has become extensive, covering a wide variety of topics. I was lucky to have found Desteni when there was relatively ‘little’ material online and was able to read and watch the material as it was being published day by day. Nowadays for a newcomer, the amount of material to go through can seem to be overwhelming. That is why within the DIP (and particularly SRA I) we aimed at providing a structured course that will assist a newcomer to navigate through all the relevant topics, while assisting and supporting them with their self-application and having someone to talk to about questions or issues. Within SRA II more ‘advanced’ and specific tools and methods are investigated to get to the nitty gritty of one’s personal design.

Having walked these courses myself since August 2009 and experienced the benefits of it – I am happy to assist anyone willing to take this journey of self-change and self-empowerment upon themselves.

“What is the Key” by Robot Virgins for which I made a video clip

If you’d like to be supported by Leila in Desteni I Process, register and pick her as the recruiter. View Leila’s profile.

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Second Limited Offer ended today

The second limited offer where you had the chance to start DIP for half the price ended today. Everyone that utilized it thanks and enjoy the course!

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Recruiter Feature: Fidelis Amor Spies

Recruiter FeatureI am a South-African, 24, born in a christian family. I am musician and produce music at home. I have been part of the Desteni I process research for 5 years. My mother’s death took a toll on me when she died of cancer while I was in high school. I simply died inside and walked life as a zombie. You can read more about that here.

The silent type, introvert and had no clear plans for the future. If I had to explain my experience of myself back then it was as if I was standing back inside myself – almost like sitting back and watching a movie. I did not participate really and avoided conversations with people.

Since I started with applying the tools of the Desteni I Process I realized that I actually have power. I have the power to change myself and the experience of myself. And I did. I went back to the experience of my mother’s death and faced all points related to it. With the tools of the Desteni I Process I gave myself Life, I moved on. I realized points within myself that I never would have considered possible. I am the creator of myself and all my experiences and have been redesigning myself so that I can be effective in everything I do.

Another Major point regarding the Desteni I Process is the massive amount of support. The whole system is based on support so there is always someone there to assist you so that you are not alone and struggling. I would not be here where I am now without the support I received throughout the years.
That was all the proof I needed if this course works or not. I proofed it to myself. Now I have found a point of stability and certainty which I never had before – that I am able to face and move past any point within myself and my life by applying the tools I have learned.

I’m not saying it is easy – but it is definitely worth it.

Thanks for reading.

“I am a Destonian” a song produced by Fidelis Spies

If you’d like to be supported by Fidelis in Desteni I Process, register and pick him as the recruiter. View Fidelis’ profile.

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New Desteni I Process Logo

We’ve decided to come up with a new logo representing the Desteni I Process. The design is clean, simple and practical. Just like the courses we offer. Please note the change and use the new logo in your DIP videos and articles.

Desteni I Process Logo

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Recruiter Feature: Bastian Neumann

Recruiter FeatureHello,

my name is Bastian, I am 35 years old and I live in germany. Most of my lifetime I had difficulties to arrange myself with society and the world as it is. I always felt that there is something wrong with the world that humans created. But like most teenagers I was looking for the proper enemy in the outside, like f.e. parents, grown ups in general, and politicians. It took me many years of struggle with my parents, friends, institutions like teachers and entire schools, and especially with myself until I finally crashed and I was facing the consequences of what I had become and allowed myself to exist at once.

From that day on I decided to quit, to stop all my participation in the system, I wanted to become a ‘spiritual warrior’, finding my way to inner peace and harmony. But this didn’t work as well. I soon found out that in all the so called ‘spiritual teachings’, although they have a lot to share that is of value and actually true, all these ‘schools’ seem to focus on your own ‘personal happyness’ only, your very own fulfillment and I asked myself:
„how could this help anyone, when I am sitting in Zazen position for five hours, and maybe gain some inner peace and harmony, or insights or whatever, while the rest of the world is still as fucked up as it was before? How should I ever find peace, while Life is being tortured, slaughtered, starving and suffering all around me for one obvious reason: that human beings are not able to overcome their nature of greed, enviousness, selfishness and fear?“
So very soon I realized that I won’t find any solution on the spiritual path as well and that gave me the last stroke. I fell into depression and despair. Not knowing how to move, what to do, I took the next sedating chance and tried to comfort myself again with alcohol and weed.
And during these days I encountered Desteni for the first time.
And when I then saw and realized that I was not alone, that there are many people around the world that came to the same points, were asking the same questions as I did, and they presented the Self-Inquirery in Self-Honesty as a solution, I stopped my self-destroying self pitty and started to face my own creations in Self-Honesty.
Self is the solution, that is not a question anymore, and the key word here is Responsibility.

With the assistance and support of all those people that stand as one and equal with all life I step-by-step deprogrammed myself and became a self-directed being.
I got rid of many addictions and time wasting habits like smoking, alcohol, sugar and television for example. I take responsibility for my life and for Life in general, and I live and act according to the principle of ‘what is best for all’.

This opens up many possibilities in life, because understanding yourself means to understand other humans as well. You will lose all kinds of fears and uncertainties, and you will gain the directive power over your life again, which means on the other hand the realization of the responsibility you have as an expression of Life.

The Desteni I Process is a Self-empowering programm where you will gain unconditional certainty of what you really are and what life is. And you will be able to find practical solutions for the obvious fact that the world as it is, as we as humans have created it, is unaccaptable and cannot be supported that way any longer. There needs to be a fundamental change and we here are the living proof that this change is possible and that only those practical solutions that face reality as it really is are the ones that are finally best for all.

I am glad for the opportunity to share myself with you.

Desperation or Process – a self honest decision for Life

If you’d like to be supported by Bastian in Desteni I Process, register and pick him as the recruiter. View Bastian’s profile.

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Recruiter Feature: Valentin Rozman

Recruiter FeatureMy name is Valentin Rozman. I have been raised in a family where we had our own business, so I was provided with basically everything that I desired. However I also had to work long hours and obey my father who was the boss. While I had enough of physical necessities, I was not very fun about the way how our relationships among family members developed. There was a lot of self-interest, deception, accusation, projections, so I became more and more frustrated. I did not know how to fix this until I met I girl who was in similar condition and we decided to move together to own apartment in order to be able to sort things out. But after living together for three years, she left me with excuse that she does not feel safe. Since we had enough money, shelter, clothes, time, and I did not abuse her in any way whatsoever, I was desperate, not knowing what I was doing wrong to deserve this.

So it was in year 2000 when I was left alone in my apartment and firmly decided to find out what is going on in peoples minds. I wanted to know what life is, what all is about, who and what I am, and what to be careful about in order not to make the same mistakes. Thus in the past 10 years, I practically researched every field that involves human behavior, our physical body, and also what is going on after death. I read holy books of all big religions, participated in religious and new age spiritual groups, and also researched western and alternative medicine. This is because I noticed that some rush on the skin around my genitals developed and it started to itch me each time I found myself in some unacceptable situation. I tried yogas, tantras, reiki, angles and every other possible solution, but it did not helped me in any way whatsoever.

In the fall of 2009 I stumbled upon Desteni videos on YouTube where some beings were speaking through interdimensional portal. It was quite odd to see the deep inhalation and exhalation process at the beginning and end of the videos, but what has been said, made a lot of sense to me. I continued to watch videos for many months and then decided to join the forum. In January 2010 I applied for ‘Desteni I Process’ course that was called ‘Structural Resonance Alignment Training’ at that time and I am continuing with the study up to this day. I can testify that the process assisted me more than everything that I experienced in past 10 years of my spiritual practice together. I became more stable, I stopped the emotional reactions within myself, the skin condition healed, and I am now digging deeper and deeper in my mind and defusing all remaining points of separation.

While I immediately embraced Desteni message with great enthusiasm due to my past experiences, I understand that many are not able to become opened for Desteni to the extend that I have become. It is disheartening to see how some people become even Desteni haters and make troubles to the group who actually wants to make this world a better place for all. This is basically due to lack of understanding what Desteni is really about. They notice just some aspects of Desteni and immediately compare and connect it with some stories, movies, news reports and books that they have heard, watched or read in the past. But Desteni is nothing like anything that ever existed. Never has any individuals or groups started to take self-responsibility, never has anyone done what is best for all, never has equality among all living beings been lived here practically. So I suggest everyone to take a deep breath, slow down and read all the material to become acquainted what we actually do. And hopefully you will also join us in the effort to remove all the evil from this world for good.

My impressions after first year of participating in Desteni I Process

If you’d like to be supported by Valentin in Desteni I Process, register and pick him as the recruiter. View Valentin’s profile.

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Start the Desteni I Process for Half the Price – Again!

Due to the popularity of the first Desteni I Process special offer, where you had your first year in the course for half the price, we’ve decided to do it again. Here are the limited offer details:

All registrations from now up until September 4th, 2011 qualify for a new payment plan – €100 / month. This means you’ll pay only half of the standard price and that is so for an entire year in the course. This gives you plenty of time to recruit new people into the course, therefore have a monthly commission coming in and after your first year you can easily end up with a monthly income instead of paying a course fee.

This offer also affects our current participants that are Agents and are recruiting new people into the course. Everyone you recruit during this limited offer becomes your Recruit and Trainee at the same time. This has the following effects:

  • You’ll train your marketing and recruiting support skills as well as course material support skills with the same person, preparing you effectively to handle a large amounts of people in your downline in the future.
  • You receive both the Recruiter and Buddy commissions. For details check out the redistribution table with the new €100 / month limited offer payment plan.
  • Recruit more people in a shorter time due to a more accesible price.

Don’t wait and register for the Desteni I Process now.

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Recruiter Feature: Fred Cheung

Recruiter FeatureHi, my name is Fred Cheung. I am from Hong Kong currently living in Vancouver Canada. Before I was a programmer and have studied many programming languages. I had studied chiromancy for 15 years, horoscopes to analyze personalities and fortune telling stuffs. Have been a realtor(serving people on buy and sell properties) for short period. I am currently working on selling Education Software to train children to excel in their studies. After I discovered Desteni and studied the materials for seven months, I decided to contribute as a Chinese and participate in Chinese translation for 2 years. I have Setup a youtube channel DesteniChineseTD.

I am devoting the rest of my life to Desteni — aiming at Practically building a Oneness Equality World through a Equal Money System because that is really how we practically can solve all sorts of conflicts, war, famine, all sorts of enslavement(especially on children), that it is totally pointless only based on everyone’s Greediness/Daydreaming of one day take over the billionaires. Wouldn’t you agree it is total Disasters that only to serve a handful living like kings or queens of the world, in their little energy heaven that lead to 95% of the majority suffer and work their breathe out every day until death.

Because this is my only Life I definitely won’t call the above as living and I don’t want our children or children to come live like enslaved zombies everyday enslaved inside the Greediness enslavement pyramid till 60 years later they die. Don’t you agree Life should be fun and we all work, contribute, live, laugh, rest Equally support each other. Taking care of everyone’s basic necessities Equally. This is the greatest gift I can contribute/give to the children to come.

What I have learned from Desteni I Process so far, is an efficient way to do self-forgiveness to clean my past, really cleanse my thoughts and they are not interfering me anymore. Before what I accepted, allowed and practiced in the past was like haunting ghosts that keep pop up in my head and I was like: Oh No! What do I do now!? How do I stop my thoughts!? I found out effective self-honest self-forgiveness clean the nature inside me once and for all.

It is an effective way in supporting myself and Desteni at the same time. I am quite surprised and happy that through DIP, I could learn something useful, clean myself effectively, contribute and support Desteni, Equal Money, World Equality and earn my Financial Stability at the same time – to me it is an Golden Opportunity for me in our Difficult Time Ahead.

I would like to share my story of how I found Desteni – Part 1:

If you’d like to be supported by Fred in Desteni I Process, register and pick him as the recruiter. View Fred’s profile.

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Limited Price Offer Ended Today

Thanks to everyone that registered and used the opportunity to start with Desteni I Process for half the price. This monthly special has ended today and for all the new registrants the standard pricing applies.

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Recruiter Feature: Sylvia van Overschot-Gerssen

Recruiter FeatureI’m Sylvia and currently living in Italy with my partner, 2 kids and 3 cats. I will briefly share my life with you seen through my eyes after 1,5 year of Desteni I Process.

I grew up in a Christian Dutch family and lived in a protected and well taken care of environment. I grew up with God as the almighty ruler over this earth. As a child I had many questions for God, but he never engaged himself in a conversation with me. When I left my parents home to study and live on my own, I abandoned religion, since I didn’t feel any connection left with God nor religion. Then I started singing in a gospel choir and got hooked up within religion again. This time it wasn’t looking for God to answer my questions, it was pure energy what I found within singing and praising God with all the other choir members. I moved a lot in my life since my dad was always on the lookout for a better paid job and moved us around through the country. I adopted this restless feeling of wanting to move constantly. For me it wasn’t about a beter job, it was constantly moving to avoid and not facing my issues in the different stages of my life. So along with moving I always searched for a new gospel choir to sing in. Till the moment that I ended up in a Baptist church and they expected me to be a part of their community. After a few years I couldn’t face myself within this dishonesty and my fake reasons for joining this group. All I had became was an energy vampire.

After dumping religion again, I continued within spirituality, which I practised already along the side line while being engaged within religion. From interest as a teenagers in spirituality I moved on to being a Reiki practitioner and I literally absorbed all that was related to spirituality and a holistic life-style. Within this my partner and I developed the desire to be self-supported and live more or less of the grid. An easy life without the bothers of others and therefore not being confronted with what others or society were reflecting back to me about myself. I wanted to cocoon myself within this “being separate from the rest of the world” kind of attitude. Back then I had no idea what consequences this would bring later within my life. The result was that we, as a family, 5 years ago decided to immigrate to Italy when we had confrontations with the law after homeschooling our kids. Heavily involved in conspiracy theories I saw all that was fucked up within the Dutch and world societies, I couldn’t cope to face myself within this all and decided to run. We wanted to buy a ruin in the middle of nowhere in central Italy and be left in peace. The peace never arrived until today, but now I’m ready to face this all. By selling our house in Holland to a conn artist we lost thousands of euros, there was no money left to buy our dream house, we lost our jobs and more money and I blamed everybody except myself. I separated myself from society and society spit me out. Now I’m seeing what I caused, I’m getting slowly but surely back into society/the system again. Where we were free of debt before, we’re now in debt again. We lived 8 months from almost no money except for a bank loan and gifts and loans from family.

I studied Arts, Social Work and Interior Design throughout my life, I had several different jobs and my own design studio while living in Holland. All changed when I immigrated and separated myself from society. I set up a handcraft gift shop here in Italy, what never became profitable. I ended up cleaning holiday homes, being a dressmaker and mainly repairing clothes. Through doing mind constructs within the Desteni I Process I was able to see that this form of separation caused me a lot of unnecessary trouble. Learning the Italian language was also a big not working point to me and an outflow of my separation point. I discovered that my difficulties within learning Italian was due to a heavy back chat and basically blaming Italy and all Italians for my misfortune in life. After realizing this I had to sit down and have a good laugh about it, how ridiculous and how could I believe this? How deep had I sunk, that only blaming was giving me a sense of reality and not taking responsibility. If it hadn’t been for the Desteni I Process, I would still have been circling round in cycles and even ended up immigrating to the moon to avoid facing myself.

My children and my partner have been of great support to me throughout our life together. Many times I haven’t seen it as support, but mainly as limiting my wants and desires. Now I’m able to work equal to and with my kids and partner and appreciate it when they reflect back on me. With my partner doing the Desteni I Process and the kids who pick up on it as well we all benefit from the support Desteni has been giving us over the past last years. The whole process I’ve gone through so far with Desteni has made me realize that when I do not stand and speak up about world equality and expect from others to do so, others might feel the same and nothing gets done. So I’m dedicating my life to establish an Equal Money System and world equality, by blogging and vlogging. And first of all by changing myself to bring change to the world and therefore support and assist others within the Desteni I Process to also change themselves, to stand together as a group. As I can stand for world equality then you can stand for world equality. Join us and practise the verb “change” in the best interest of all within your physical reality.

A vlog of mine I want to share, is this one about why I shaved off my hair as part of going through my process

If you’d like to be supported by Sylvia in Desteni I Process, register and pick her as the recruiter. View Sylvia’s profile.

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