My name is Viktor Persson and I come from the cold northern country of Sweden, though at the moment it’s summer and extremely hot! Currently I am studying law at Uppsala University, which I enjoy a lot. My main interest is to participate with Desteni through writing blogs and doing vlogs – apart from that I also like to play guitar and make music.
So far in my application within the ‘Desteni I Process’ I’ve learned, most prominently, self-discipline, specificity and self-movement – because in order to walk this course, I’ve really had to learn how to push myself through resistances and a constant mind-chatter telling me that anything is better to do but sitting down to write out, as an example, my mind-construct. Basically, I’ve learned to stop myself from existing as a slave to the desire of the mind to be lazy and not do anything that requires focus and concentration – which the ‘Desteni I Process’ course requires from it’s participant to the outmost degree.
I’ve also learned to write and read much more effectively. In the beginning when I started ‘Desteni I Process’ I would sigh in despair as I saw study-material stretching for several pages handed to me by my buddies – my god, must I read, not to talk about, remember all of this!? This was the thought that popped up into my mind. But apparently there are miracles, or more specifically named, accumulative consequence, because I did learn to master the material given to me. It took some time and I had to breath and calm my spinning mind down – reassuring myself that if I would just put down the time required, I would also be able to get through all of this one piece. And I did! Amazing!
I’ve also learned to communicate much more effectively through speaking. This is a direct outflow of the vlogs that I’ve done, which the crew of ‘Desteni I Process’ has encouraged me to make. In the beginning of my vlogging career I would be self-conscious as I recorded myself, my words would get stuck in my throat and sometimes I would go completely blank – asking myself in the middle of the video – what the hell am I going to say next? Now I find myself comfortably sharing myself in front of the camera or recorder – the words flow and I am enjoying myself. I’ve learned to talk in a way so that another is able to understand what it is that I am saying – which should be the point of all communication really, but this strangely enough had escaped my attention until recently. So, as I speak today I experience it more like writing – as I am much more calm and I give myself the time to fill out my sentences properly and really describe and show what it is that I want to convey. One could say that I’ve become much more confident in myself as to the art of speaking and communicating effectively.
Those are the main things that I’ve so-far noticed that I’ve learnt and established as a direct consequence of my participation in ‘Desteni I Process’ – as you see, it’s all positive things and I am grateful for the opportunity to walk this course! Thanks ‘Desteni I Process’ crew!
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If you’d like to be supported by Viktor in Desteni I Process, register and pick him as the recruiter. View Viktor’s profile.