All I Process members that pass their 6th Assignment (the first six months in the course) will be invited to the Official Destonian Forum which is undergoing changes and won’t be available to the public in it’s current (Open Forum) form anymore. The new place for public discussions is the Introduction to Desteni Forum which is focused on beginners within the Desteni material.
Together with this the Desteni team will focus on redesigning some of the core material that is available for free on the website and forums with the aim to make it easier for beginners to grasp the vast amount of information shared.
The I Process participants will benefit from an environment created in support of one another through a forum that is completely private and populated with people that are serious about their participation and application. Plus they’ll have access to all the current material, vast amount of discussions and information shared previously which they actually can benefit from, since they’re well versed in and within the basics of the Desteni curriculum.
If you qualify for the Destonian Forum participation we’ll be emailing you shortly.